Monday - Friday: 8:30 am to 6:00 pm Pacific time
Saturday and Sunday: 9 am to 5:00 pm Pacific time
7065 Indiana Ave #320,
Riverside, CA 92506
The Multiple Listing Service, or MLS, is a database used by real estate brokers to share information about properties for sale by sellers they represent to brokers who represent potential buyers.
A Flat Fee MLS listing is a service that allows homeowners like you to list their property on the local MLS for a flat fee rather than paying a traditional real estate agent's commission, which is typically a percentage of the sale price.
You pay a one-time fee to have your property listed on the MLS database. This fee usually covers the cost of listing your property on the MLS for a specified period, often ranging from three months to a year. You retain the right to sell your home FSBO and handle the selling process yourself.
Increased Exposure: All the real estate agents and potential buyers in your area who browse the MLS listings will know your property is available to buy. Control Over the Selling Process: By selling FSBO, you retain control over the entire selling process, including pricing, negotiations, and scheduling showings. Cost Savings: Flat fee MLS listings can save you money compared to paying a traditional real estate agent's commission, which can amount to thousands of dollars.
Since you are selling FSBO, you won’t have a professional around as a guide. You may still need to offer a commission to the buyer’s agent to incentivize them to show your property to clients. The commission is typically 2-3% of the sale price.
Yes. Try to provide high-quality photos and a detailed description of your property for the MLS listing. Remember, you want to get the best price for your home, so clear, well-lit photos and an accurate (non-puffed) description will go a long way towards generating interest for your house. We offer professional photography for an extra $250 because we know first impressions are the only ones that matter online in the age of swiping left.
Yes, totally doable. During the listing period, you’re allowed to make changes to your listing, such as adjusting the price or updating property details. You can do this at any time.
As the FSBO homeowner, you'll be responsible for scheduling and conducting showings with potential buyers. When you receive offers, you'll negotiate directly with the buyer or their agent. It's advisable to seek legal counsel or hire a real estate attorney to review any offers or contracts to ensure they're in your best interest.
If your property doesn't sell during the initial listing period, you may have the option to renew your Flat Fee MLS listing for an additional fee.